Shoe Lady!
I HATE my big feet!!! All my friends can find shoes so easily and get such cute shoes while I am suck wearing ugly sneaker since no but PAYLESS selling in my size!!!! What are some shoes I can get in my size that look similar to what my friends wear? (wish uggs came in size 12)
OH MY! This is most unfortunate!
I am sorry you are in such distress. But I am confused as to why you think there are so few choices for your size 12 feet!
I’d like to hear more from you about where you get your information?
It is quite true that you will not find size 12 shoes in regular “brick and mortar” shoe stores, at least you won’t find more than about two or three styles. But until the shoe industry starts paying attention to the data and realize how many of you there are…. I estimate that between 4 – 5 million women in the USA wear size 12 shoes… then you must learn to find those fashion styles by shopping on line.
By the way, Uggs does make size 12’s. But they may not make them in all the “girlie” styles you want. I suggest you write to them directly and protest. They are owned by Deckers Outdoor Corporation
As Sheryl Sandberg says, “lean in”. Let them hear your voice!
Now as for other size 12 choices, today I find 1353 styles in size 12M (medium width) at this website: all-products?sizewidth=129
Not sure what your taste is in shoe styles, but I’m adding an example of a red suede low heel knee high boot in size 12M, on sale for $96 from Aerosoles. It is in the “Teen Collection”.
Again, Asha, you can find some great styles and not just at Payless. But you have to shop smarter than your friends. You have to shop on line. You can still enjoy going store shopping and mall shopping with them… but you’ll need to stick to socks. At least until places like Deckers wake up and discover how many of you there are!
Best to you,
The Shoe Lady